Evaluate your solution’s maturity

eHealth Doctrine Self-Evaluation

What is the eHealth doctrine?

Implemented as part of the roadmap for digital healthcare, the digital healthcare’s doctrine presents the levers provided by the State to regulate the e-health ecosystem.

The doctrine sets the technical and urbanization framework within which all digital health players must operate by 2025.

Its goal is to support the computerization of healthcare structures and encourage innovation.

Digital health doctrine at a glance

Find out more about the doctrine of digital healthcare, its role in accelerating the digital shift, and the structuring services it integrates and for which it provides support.

The approach is one of co-construction and collective work, to build a close relationship between you and the ANS.

Digital healthcare’s roadmap

La maison de la e-santé

Virage Numérique - la feuille de route du numérique en santé, avril 2019

Digital health doctrine in numbers

24 chapters

575 webinar attendees in 2021

Referencing and self-assessment paths

Standards, such as evaluation and certification procedures, enable you to measure the conformity of your solutions. They are enforceable by decrees and are binding on all players in the ecosystem.

Comply with regulations and accelerate the development of your solutions on Convergence

The Convergence platform enables you to: 

  • submit your applications for some ANS listings (Ségur, listing in My Health space catalog of services, certification of digital medical devices);
  • consult maturity averages, assess the maturity of your solutions, and promote their level of maturity to your customers and prospects;
  • be guided through the process;
  • define a roadmap towards the target set out in the doctrine;
  • access a library of maturity questionnaires and requirements repositories.

Convergence platform in numbers

444 registered editors

693 products created

1350 Convergence users

Evaluate your solutions in 3 steps

Step 1

Add a product or select a product you've already created and link it to the evaluation and projection process.

Step 2

Evaluate your product on the themes of digital health doctrine by answering questionnaires on interoperability, security and urbanization.

Step 3

Create a projection of your product to define your roadmap to reach the level recommended by the doctrine of digital health.

Frequently Asked Questions

The ANS answers the most common questions about self-evaluation.

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The accountability framework defines the means that can be used to:

  • ensure traceability of actions carried out in relation to a healthcare IS;
  • guarantee the value of recorded traces;
  • control the use made of this healthcare IS.

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To register on the Convergence platform, you need to download the account request form to open an account as a company representative. 
Before completing this form, please check that your company is not already represented by another person who is able to create an account for you to access the Platform. If you have any questions, please contact support at ans-support-convergence@esante.gouv.fr. 
As soon as you receive the e-mail confirming the creation of your account, you will be able to initialize your password and access the Platform after accepting the General Terms of Use.

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The Convergence platform supports you in developing your business and defining your plan for compliance with regulations specific to the e-health sector.

To this end, the platform is organized around two tracks:

  • digital health doctrine ;
  • My health space.

Each of these paths is broken down into steps:

  • doctrine is divided into 4 steps: Evaluation and projection socles , Teleconsultation, teleexpertise, telecare;
  • My Health Space is divided into 2 steps: referencing without data exchange and referencing with data exchange.

The procedures include questionnaires which, once completed, will enable you to assess the maturity and/or compliance of your products with the digital health doctrine, or the assessments required for My Health Space registration. 

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The first step in completing the platform is to identify a manager who will oversee the completion operations. This person can then make an inventory of the products to be included in the scope of data entry, and list the resources to be mobilized: product managers, technical and functional experts, etc. Despite efforts to contextualize the questions, knowledge of healthcare IS interoperability, security and the ambitions of the doctrine of digital health is a prerequisite.

The questionnaires can then be read in groups. Based on the completion of an initial product, the reading of the questionnaires enables the identification of subjects that have been mastered, as well as those that require further investigation.

The pilot can then propose regular meetings with all product managers to monitor the progress of data entry, guarantee the consistency of responses and share expert feedback. 

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There are two main user profiles on the Convergence platform:

  • Manager: this is either the Corporate Officer or a person authorized by the Corporate Officer; he/she is authorized to add new contributors, create products and grant rights to contributors from his/her company;
  • Contributor: authorized to create accounts for other contributors, create products and complete questionnaires, within the limits of the rights assigned to him/her.

Contributors are given access rights to questionnaires for products already created within the platform, and to questionnaires relating to global strategy.

Contributors who do not have the right to validate questionnaires can only save drafts for questionnaires to which they have access. 

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