IGC-Santé - Health Cryptographic Key Infrastructure

A platform to help streamline and secure health data transmission

What is the Health CKI?

The IGC-Santé is a cryptographic key infrastructure (CKI) run by the ANS. Its mission is to secure the sharing of health data. Since 2021, it is the unique authorised entity in France to issue software certificates.

Technical officers in health structures and practices are able to generate, renew and revoke the certificates. To gain access to the IGC-Santé, they need a card issued by the ANS or a ProSantéConnect ID. These certificates are used by health professionals to identify themselves, sign and encrypt information.

As a software publisher or health industrial, there are 3 main benefits when you integrate the IGC-Santé:

  • It guarantees your identity or the identity of an addressee, for instance via digital signature;
  • You benefit from the legitimacy carried through by the ANS;
  • It’s a safe way to exchange data in a secure way, by encrypting and decrypting information.

2 Minutes to Understand Health Data

Building a trustworthy ecosystem is a core component to boosting eHealth services. Watch the video to learn more about health data sharing and securing.

IGC-Santé in numbers

+ 4 Millions certificates implemented in CPS cards

3200 health structures ordered certificates in 2020

+ 1 Billion digital prescriptions are signed each year using certificates

Se raccorder à l’IGC-Santé en 5 étapes

Etape 1 : Se mettre à jour

Effectuer les développements nécessaires sur son application pour la prise en compte de l’IGC-Santé, en s’appuyant sur la documentation mise à votre disposition

Etape 2 : Se connecter

Utiliser l’interface Web Service pour faciliter les demandes et révocation des certificats de l’IGC-Santé pour ses clients

Etape 3 : Passer une commande

Commander mes certificats de test en utilisant le portail web mis à disposition par l’ANS, authentifié avec une carte CPx de test

Etape 4 : Tester de nouvelles solutions

Effectuer les tests pour valider mes développements

Etape 5 : Faire suivre ses clients

Assister ses clients dans les opérations de migration : mise à jour des applications et postes clients, information donnée au client sur le(s) certificat(s) de l’IGC-Santé à commander, procédure de demande et d’installation du certificat

Key service dates

September 2022

Migration du socle technique de l'IGC-Santé afin de garantir sa maintenance en condition opérationelle. Celle-ci répond aux exigences pour une sécurité renforcée.

January 2021

Closure of the former CKI structures: all valid CPx cards are equipped with certificates issued by the IGC-Santé platform

October 2017

The first CPx cards with new IGC-Santé certificates are issued

April 2016

The IGC-Santé services are launched online, the first tests are conducted, the data migration begins

Frequently Asked Questions

The ANS answers the most common questions about the IGC-Santé

[ Date de mise à jour : ]

There are two steps to follow:

Step 1: Administrative phase

Should you wish to order test CPS cards or register authorisations for test software, you may:

  • read our complete products offer ;
  • place an order
    To place an order, select your Profile and your Structure, then choose “Produits de développement. Commander des produits de développement : carte et/ou certificat logiciel de test" (Test products for products, cards and/or test software).

Step 2: Technical phase

Use the card you validated after step 1 in order to connect with the Trusted Platform IGC-Santé. You will be able to order, withdraw, monitor and revoke test certificates through the IHM or Webservice interface.
In order to do so, make sur you have inserted your test card in the card reader. 

Read more about specific setup guidelines:

Cette réponse vous a-t-elle été utile ?

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The IGC-Santé is dedicated to the health sector and follows strict procedures in terms of data collection, professional identification, and works with certified authorities (RPPS register, etc.).

The certificates issued by the IGC guarantee the security of software or electronic cards, such as the CPS card.

The IGC also manages the publication of these certificates and can revoke them – this is signalled to the apps using certificates in revocation listings.

Cette réponse vous a-t-elle été utile ?

[ Date de mise à jour : ]

There are two main reasons for the creation of IGC-Santé :

  • guaranteeing the security of private keys and certificates issued by the ANS: the access to these private keys must be limited in order to prevent duplicates or their installation more than one device;
  • maintaining a continuity in services: many health apps used to work on certificates issued by former CKI that ceased their activity in January 2021. These apps must be compatible with certificates issued by the IGC-Santé.

In addition, these certificates meet the security standards (risk analysis, safety policies), or “Certifying Policies” that comply with the PGSS-IS guidelines.

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The information saved is only to be used by the ANS and is only accessible to its services, its staff, and third-party providers authorised to consult it.

According to the regulation applicable in terms of personal data protection, you have the right to access, modify and erase your data. To do so, you may contact our Data Protection administrator, following the conditions set out in the page Personal Data Protection Policy on the ANS website.

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