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The service is only available for foreign patients that meet the following criteria:
- the patient must come from an EU country providing the Sesali service;
- the patient must have activated the service (depending on their country);
- the patient must have a medical summary in file in their country’s systems.
The list of eligible nationalities is available on the Sesali.fr homepage.
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In order to request test products for certificates (CPS cards and test software certificates) issued by the IGC-Santé, go to our service page for the IGC-Santé.
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There are several levels of requirements for a module’s integration into the Hospital Information System.
The main requirements set out by the referential are:
- Interfacing, control, security guidelines;
- Prescription process requirements;
- National prescription thesaurus integration requirements;
- Requirements regarding medico-economic and decision processes;
- Guidelines for ergonomics, functions, and notification alerts;
- Settings function requirements.
In total, 139 requirements are used to reach the minimal level of security needed for a solution’s integration into the hospital information system.
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The current referential (2017) was written with industry experts. It introduces the particular context of this mission and the goals to reach in order to improve safety measures in neonatology and paediatric reanimation. The referential walks you through the fundamental concepts you need to grasp to understand the several requirements and protocols involved with software development for this sector.
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Neonatology is a high-risk practice for two main reasons:
- The patients are extremely fragile (premature babies)
- 50% of the drugs used in the sector have yet to receive a marketing authorisation.
A survey conducted in 2014 evidenced a risk in the prescription process across the sector. The digitalisation of prescription is among the 41 recommendations that the report issued in order to increase safety levels.
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The certificates that the ANS issues are an official means to identify the players of the health sector, persons and organisations. Certificates also act as a seal of quality, making sure that the issuing cryptographic key infrastructures (CKP) are conform to the sector’s best practice standards. Certificates can be revoked in case of failure to comply.
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Access to the service may be restricted for the following reasons:
- you do not specialise in occupational medicine
- you work for a private insurance company
- you no longer practise
- your CPS card has expired or been revoked
- your web browser is not compatible
- you are using a mobile appliance (smartphone or tablet)
- you are not included in the following list of health professionals:
- general practitioners and specialists (radiologists, biologists, independent, employee, Samu-Emergencies-C.15, interns)
- biological pharmacists and interns
- pharmacists in dispensaries or hospitals
- dental surgeon, interns
- midwives
- nurses
- physical therapist
- pedicure-podiatrists
- speech therapists
- ergotherapists, psychomotor specialists, orthopists, dieticians
- medical radiologists
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The ANS offers 4 types of software certificates:
- Legal person (Organisation)
- Legal person (Server)
- Natural person (Professional)
- Natural person (Health Professional)
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