Interoperability [ Soon enforceable ] CI-SIS Interoperability Framework for Health Information Systems
Cybersecurity [ Enforceable ] PGSSI-S General Security Policy for Health Information Systems (PGSSI-S)
Identification documents and digital ID CPS Technical Framework Guidelines to implement health professional authentication
Identification documents and digital ID [ Soon enforceable ] Health Pro Authentication (Pro Santé Connect) Referential for digital identification
Identification documents and digital ID IGC-Santé (Health CKI) A platform to help streamline and secure health data transmission
Compliance (labels, referencing, certifications) Evalution based on Doctrine Define projections and achieve objectives defined by the doctrine
Compliance (labels, referencing, certifications) Telehealth Teleconsultation, tele-expertise, medical telemonitoring, telecare and medical tele-assistance
Compliance (labels, referencing, certifications) eHealth Label A clear and simple seal of quality for multiprofessional medical software
Compliance (labels, referencing, certifications) SI-MDPH The first IS label dedicated to the social-medical field
Compliance (labels, referencing, certifications) Digital Health Ségur (Wave 1) A unique gateway to get your digital solution referenced
Compliance (labels, referencing, certifications) [ Enforceable ] HDS A label to safeguard health data in France
Compliance (labels, referencing, certifications) [ Soon enforceable ] My Health Space Evaluation to join the digital services catalog
Other reference documents Neonatology Referential A niche sector to standardise with digital solutions
Directories and listings [ Soon enforceable ] RPPS Directory A shared directory of healthcare professionals
Directories and listings [ Soon enforceable ] FINESS Directory Listing facilities involved in patient and user care
Directories and listings Operational Directory of Resources (ROR) A directory for professional health services
Digital authentication means CPS Technical Framework Guidelines to implement health professional authentication
Digital authentication means [ Recommended ] e-CPS A mobile app to identify health professionals and access digital services
Digital authentication means Software Certificates (natural or legal persons) Safeguarding the identity of a health professional or a health structure
Health data exchange services Sesali (European e-Health Service) Integrate Sesali into your health software to access European patients’ medical data