Votre question concerne quel type d'offre ?
Votre question concerne quel couloir Ségur ?
Votre question concerne quel dispositif Ségur ?
Votre question concerne quel produit ou service produit?
Votre question concerne quelle thématique ?
The study conducted by the ANS helped establish that the equipment used in telehealth practices can be :
- A space dedicated to telehealth
- A teleconsultation booth
- A console with screen
- A teleconsultation cart
- A visioconference cart
- A PACS console
- A computer with webcam
- A digital tablet
- A smartphone
- Carte Vitale reader
- Digital dermatoscope
- Digital otoscope
- Digital ophthalmoscope
- Digital fundus camera
- Connected echograph scanner
- Connected thermometer, stetoscope, scale and tensionmeter
Further information is available in the Documentation.
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In order to request test products for certificates (CPS cards and test software certificates) issued by the IGC-Santé, go to our service page for the IGC-Santé.
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Generally speaking, the PGSSI-S needs to be applied as soon as personal health data are being handled. It is relevant to the public sector as well as the private sector, health professionals, workers of the social-health and social sectors, healthcare establishments and service providers.
As a patient, the PGSSI-S is a seal of guarantee on the accountability of digital health ecosystems.
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Complying with the PGSSI-S frames of reference is either required by law (if the documents have been approved by a ministerial decree) or meant to be followed on a short-term basis until the documents are approved by the ministry.
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The certificates that the ANS issues are an official means to identify the players of the health sector, persons and organisations. Certificates also act as a seal of quality, making sure that the issuing cryptographic key infrastructures (CKP) are conform to the sector’s best practice standards. Certificates can be revoked in case of failure to comply.
Cette réponse vous a-t-elle été utile ?
The ANS offers 4 types of software certificates:
- Legal person (Organisation)
- Legal person (Server)
- Natural person (Professional)
- Natural person (Health Professional)
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