Votre question concerne quel type d'offre ?
Votre question concerne quel couloir Ségur ?
Votre question concerne quel dispositif Ségur ?
Votre question concerne quel produit ou service produit?
Votre question concerne quelle thématique ?
All the rules are set out in the HDS certification – Accreditation reference system and the COFRAC’s "Exigences spécifiques pour l’accréditation des organismes procédant à la certification de systèmes de management dans le domaine des technologies de l’information" (Specific requirements for structures that certify management systems in the information technology sector), available in our Documentation section.
To find out more about the list of certified and accredited bodies, click on the links below.
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There are 6 types of activities that make you eligible as a health data host:
- providing and monitoring the operations of a physical site that hosts the material infrastructure of the IS used to treat health data;
- providing and maintaining the structural material used by the IS to host health data;
- providing and maintaining a platform that hosts the IS applications;
- providing and maintaining a digital structure for the IS which hosts health data;
- the administration and exploitation of the IS which contains the health data;
- health data backup services.
The full list of HDS-certified activities is available here:
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There are two search options in the Health Pro Directory:
- A keyword search (Who ? What ? Where ?) that allows you to find professionals in matching establishments;
- A detailed search (Profession, specialisation, skills, ID, place of practice) to target health professionals or health structures.
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The service is only available for foreign patients that meet the following criteria:
- the patient must come from an EU country providing the Sesali service;
- the patient must have activated the service (depending on their country);
- the patient must have a medical summary in file in their country’s systems.
The list of eligible nationalities is available on the Sesali.fr homepage.
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The RPPS has restricted access content. You need to log in to the Health Pro Directory to access these data. The use of a CPS card as means of authentication is required:
- if you carry a Director of Establishement (CDE) card or a liberal CPS card, you may automatically access the information whose access is granted to you;
- in other cases, accessing the directory with a CPx-type card may need a prior enrolment process with the ANS. You will need to fill a RPPS access request form.
You need a card reader in order to authentify yourself with a CPx-type card.
For further information, read our pages to the CPS and e-CPS.
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The evaluation is done in two phases. It is conducted by the certifying body, which must verify the compliance with the certification requirements set out in the HDS Certification document (available below).
The audit also verifies the specific requirements for health data hosting are being met.
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Access to the service may be restricted for the following reasons:
- you do not specialise in occupational medicine
- you work for a private insurance company
- you no longer practise
- your CPS card has expired or been revoked
- your web browser is not compatible
- you are using a mobile appliance (smartphone or tablet)
- you are not included in the following list of health professionals:
- general practitioners and specialists (radiologists, biologists, independent, employee, Samu-Emergencies-C.15, interns)
- biological pharmacists and interns
- pharmacists in dispensaries or hospitals
- dental surgeon, interns
- midwives
- nurses
- physical therapist
- pedicure-podiatrists
- speech therapists
- ergotherapists, psychomotor specialists, orthopists, dieticians
- medical radiologists
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The national ID is on the first line of your CPS card:
- Add a “8” before your RPPS ID, for example: 81234567890 ;
- Add a “0” before your ADELI ID, for example: 01234567890.
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