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The accountability framework defines the means that can be used to:
- ensure traceability of actions carried out in relation to a healthcare IS;
- guarantee the value of recorded traces;
- control the use made of this healthcare IS.
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Le Centre de Gestion des Terminologies de Santé a donc pour mission de se charger de cette maîtrise d’ouvrage opérationnelle des ressources sémantiques, mais aussi du guichet national de publication, ainsi que de l’accompagnement des utilisateurs. En France, le CGTS regroupe à date au sein de son catalogue 34 Terminologies couvrant un grand nombre de domaines médicaux.
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There are two search options in the Health Pro Directory:
- A keyword search (Who ? What ? Where ?) that allows you to find professionals in matching establishments;
- A detailed search (Profession, specialisation, skills, ID, place of practice) to target health professionals or health structures.
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The RPPS has restricted access content. You need to log in to the Health Pro Directory to access these data. The use of a CPS card as means of authentication is required:
- if you carry a Director of Establishement (CDE) card or a liberal CPS card, you may automatically access the information whose access is granted to you;
- in other cases, accessing the directory with a CPx-type card may need a prior enrolment process with the ANS. You will need to fill a RPPS access request form.
You need a card reader in order to authentify yourself with a CPx-type card.
For further information, read our pages to the CPS and e-CPS.
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A terminology is an ensemble of concepts defined by terms which belong to a specific language set.
Terminologies are defined through a research process aimed at finding the most relevant terms used by a specific profession (or a field of expertise) in a particular context of use.
Centralising and monitoring this vocabulary is essential to maintain a coherent use of the terms amongst eHealth experts and healthcare professionals.
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The digital transition in France involves much more health data transfers. It is essential to set up a common language in this ecosystem, which currently lacks homogeneity at a local and international scale. The CGTS was created by the State to centralise the semantic resources for health professionals.
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The national ID is on the first line of your CPS card:
- Add a “8” before your RPPS ID, for example: 81234567890 ;
- Add a “0” before your ADELI ID, for example: 01234567890.
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