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The open access data is free to download. However, the user must be mindful of the General Conditions when working with the Health Pro Directory information.
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There are two search options in the Health Pro Directory:
- A keyword search (Who ? What ? Where ?) that allows you to find professionals in matching establishments;
- A detailed search (Profession, specialisation, skills, ID, place of practice) to target health professionals or health structures.
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The RPPS has restricted access content. You need to log in to the Health Pro Directory to access these data. The use of a CPS card as means of authentication is required:
- if you carry a Director of Establishement (CDE) card or a liberal CPS card, you may automatically access the information whose access is granted to you;
- in other cases, accessing the directory with a CPx-type card may need a prior enrolment process with the ANS. You will need to fill a RPPS access request form.
You need a card reader in order to authentify yourself with a CPx-type card.
For further information, read our pages to the CPS and e-CPS.
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The update frequency depends on the source of the data. Data is updated daily when it comes from entities such as: national councils for the Ordres, the army health service, the FINESS directory, the CPx card information system; the MSSanté information system. Data coming from regional health agencies is updated on a weekly basis.
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Generally speaking, the PGSSI-S needs to be applied as soon as personal health data are being handled. It is relevant to the public sector as well as the private sector, health professionals, workers of the social-health and social sectors, healthcare establishments and service providers.
As a patient, the PGSSI-S is a seal of guarantee on the accountability of digital health ecosystems.
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Complying with the PGSSI-S frames of reference is either required by law (if the documents have been approved by a ministerial decree) or meant to be followed on a short-term basis until the documents are approved by the ministry.
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Yes, the applications close before the end of the first Ségur wave to allow enough time for the solutions implementation.
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The national ID is on the first line of your CPS card:
- Add a “8” before your RPPS ID, for example: 81234567890 ;
- Add a “0” before your ADELI ID, for example: 01234567890.
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The professionals included in the Health Pro Directory are those listed in the RPPS by the Ordres (civil health professional) and the Army Health Service – SSA (military health professional):
- Doctors
- Pharmacists
- Dentists
- Midwives
- Physical therapists (Kine)
- Chiropodists
- Nurses
Professions listed in ADELI:
- Social service assistants Dental assistants
- Audioprosthesists
- Chiropractors
- Nutritionists
- Epithesists
- Ergotherapists
- Radiologists
- Ocularists
- Opticians
- Orthopaedist
- Speech therapists
- Psychologist
- Psycho-motor therapist
- Lab technicians
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