Votre question concerne quel type d'offre ?
Votre question concerne quel couloir Ségur ?
Votre question concerne quel dispositif Ségur ?
Votre question concerne quel produit ou service produit?
Votre question concerne quelle thématique ?
Your level of access to the ROR data depends on the nature of the data you wish to use (public/restricted) and the perimeter you wish to cover (one ROR or several ROR directories).
The ROR data in public access:
- is available as opendata since mid-2022;
- will be available directly on the national ROR with no specific procedure in early 2023.
The ROR data in restricted access (professional access):
- for one regional ROR, you must complete a request form to join the regional circle of trust and send it to the region’s GRADeS;
- for several ROR directories, you must complete a request form to join the national circle of trust and send it to the ROR program team.
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A base product (“Produit socle”) is a solution, a service, or device sold by an eHealth industrial, which is aimed at fulfilling the needs of a particular activity, practice or profession. It is not bound to the purchase of a previous product. It may be completed with Option Products (“Produit option”) to extend its functional coverage.
An option product (“Produit option”) is a solution, service, or device sold by an eHealth industrial to meet specific needs extending the functional perimeter of one or several base products (“produits socle”) to which it adds on. This means a base product must be purchased, prior to the use of an option product.
In the case of a base product being offered as an option to another product, we suggest you first declare the product as a “produit socle”. Then you will be able, from this entry, to duplicate and convert the product as a “produit option”.
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PLATINES is a platform dedicated to interoperability tests for eHealth. It stimulates a ROR (version 2.4) and gives you the opportunity to use “test” data via several professional cases (a total of 94 test scenarios are available). These test scenarios are valid for the current ROR as well as the national ROR.
You must contact the ROR program team to request access to PLATINES.
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