SMT - Multi-Terminology Server

A server to provide the most up-to-date eHealth terminologies

What is the SMT?

The ANS is rolling out a Multi-Terminology Server (SMT) to publish terminology for the purposes of health sector interoperability.

The SMT is aimed at public and private organisations that use specialised terminology in the health and social care sectors. It provides:

  • a catalogue of health terminology,
  • a collection of terminology in a standardised format, training spaces, and news on the latest health terminology.

The terminology is accessible via standardised formats (RDF/OWL), APIs and an HCI, allowing for to extract and download various elements: concept, code, descriptions, synonyms, semantic relations.

New terminology will be published on regular basis on the SMT, in line with interoperability priorities. The SMT will also acquire new functions suggested by users of the service.

With the interoperability test platform going online and the SMT, France has made available two essential tools to promote interoperability.

SMT in numbers

4 Versions of the SMT

11 Medical teminologies are available in a standard semantic format

1500+ Downloads since April 2021

A summary of the interactions and the organisation between various system parties (aside from strategic governance)

Integration and publishing process of a terminology into the SMT

Key service dates


First release of the SMT catalogue of terminologies


Production of release 2 (Search engines, API) and release 3 (Termination point, SPARQL)


Release 4 is put into production


Webinaire ANS | Présentation du Serveur Multi-Terminologies - 1er avril 2021

Meetup SNDS #9 : Serveur Multi-Terminologies (SMT) de l'ANS - Partie 1

Serveur multi-terminologies de santé de l'ANS (SMT)

Frequently Asked Questions

The ANS answers the most common questions about the SMT

[ Date de mise à jour : ]

A software publisher usually integrates several terminologies that cover standard usages: common names and codes, language names and codes, countries... 

Then they integrate “Base Terminologies” (drug terminologies, billing, administrative) and occupation-specific terminologies (Terminology of the living, cardiology terminology, geriatric terminologies, etc.).

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[ Date de mise à jour : ]

The State evaluates the following criteria: 

  • Terminology conceived by one of the ANS’ Production Units
  • Terminology conceived by a Production Unit with a convention
  • Terminology in usage
  • Terminology compatible with the ANS right imposition
  • Reference terminology
  • “Open” terminology
  • Maturity of the Production Unit in charge of the terminology’s conception and maintenance
  • Local terminology sets (“small terminologies”)
  • Terminology conceived by a “fragile” Production Unit / Terminology conceived by a Production Unit without a distribution point

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