SI-MDPH label

The first IS label dedicated to the social-medical field

What is the SI-MDPH label?

Created by the French law governing equal rights and opportunities, departmental disability centres (MPDHs in French) are responsible for receiving and supporting disabled people and their families. They are a one-stop service for all procedures related to disability, such as applying for CAF (Family Allowance Fund) benefits. A label has been created to guarantee the compliance of software solutions with functional and technical requirements. Only labelled solutions can be implemented in MDPHs.

The essential prerequisites for IS harmonisation are the following:

  • strengthening and overhauling the governance of each MDPH’s IS;
  • building a common core (processes, concepts and data harmonised between MDPHs);
  • reviewing the ISs in place. This inventory is the starting point for the creation of an observatory of MDPH ISs.

A common MDPH IS must contribute to improving the quality of the service provided to users, harmonising professional practices, and facilitating national and local oversight. In addition, it contributes to a better understanding of particular needs for people with disabilities.

As a software publisher or health industrial, the MDPH label gives you legitimacy: it states that you comply with legal requirements and stay conform with good practice standards for this sector.

Discover and use the SI MDPH label

The CNSA (National Solidary Autonomy Fund) is the governing body that attributes the SI MDPH label.

The ANS supports the CNSA in its actions, as the common MDPH IS programme is part of our roadmap to boost interoperability and compliance to the technical doctrine in digital health.

The common IS programme is about modernising the operations of MDPHs, making the process of sharing information easier. More information about the label and labelled solutions is available on the CNDA website.

Useful documentation

Key service dates


The CNSA conducts an audit that reveals limits in MDPH computerisation


A strategy is deployed to harmonise the existing ISs, level by level, based on the works of the ANS

June 2018

The main software editors on the market (GFI Progiciels, Cityzen Up and Worldline) receive their label

December 2018

Mise en service de 5 projets pilotes (sur 7) : de nouvelles solutions SI harmonisées et labellisées commencent à être déployées dans les MDPH


Les logiciels labellisés sont d’abord mis en service dans 76 MDPH durant l’année 2019, puis étendus aux autres MDPH au cours du premier semestre 2020


Les opérations de labellisation sont désormais portées par la CNSA, accompagnée par l’ANS

Frequently Asked Questions

The ANS answers your questions about the MDPH IS label.

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Your application needs to be complete and signed, with all the following documents:

  • the MDPH label rules, which describes the labelling process  
  • the convention regarding the use of the label, which defines the procedures that take place after the label is granted. For example: obligations tied to the label, audit visits, cases of modifying the label, etc. 
  • the annexes to the convention; 
  • the license of use for the labelled solution; 
  • the insurance security plan for the conformity checks relating to the MDPH label; 
  • if applicable, the decisions issued by partner organisations dealing with exchange fluxes (CNAF/SNGI, Imprimerie Nationale, etc.) to attest you are using the correct one. 

The application must be sent in paper AND via electronic mail to: 

Agence du Numérique en Santé 
Labellisation logiciels Maisons Départementales des Personnes Handicapées 
9 rue Georges Pitard 75015 Paris 

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These documents are made available by the CNDA as a .zip file below.

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The application for the SI-MDPH label is open to any legal entity with a software solution aimed at the departmental disability centres (MDPHs). This includes the MDPHs themselves, which develop their own solutions in conjunction with the relevant Departmental Council.  

The label application is a voluntary process: Anyone can be a candidate if they feel that their solution complies with the current requirements and the scope of the sector’s functional standards.

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