RPPS - French Health Professionals Shared Directory

A shared directory of healthcare professionals

What is the RPPS?

The Shared Directory of Health, Social work and Medico-Social Professionals (RPPS) is a record of every health professional authorised to practice in France. It is the reference directory for all professionals involved in the healthcare system.

This directory is meant to: 

  • Identify professionals in practice, who have practiced or may be practising;
  • Follow the activity of these professionals, assess the education level of interns and students;
  • Contribute to deliverance procedures and certification products updates;
  • Help conduct studies and statistics analyses relating to these professionals;
  • Obtain a digital ID (CPS, e-CPS) to allow the secure sharing of data.

The information contained in the RPPS is certified by professional associations, the Army Health Service (SSA) and Regional Health Agencies (ARS).

The data contained in the RPPS is published in the ANS’ Health Pro Directory, as well as the information contained in ADELI (the ADELI ID) and FINESS.

A reliable source, the RPPS helps with the health system regulations in France: it is updated daily and accessible online. Therefore, integrating the RPPS may help you: 

  • Verify the identity and activity status of health professionals;
  • Use the data for communications;
  • Set up a service with a high authentication factor.

Discover and use the RPPS

The RPPS ID is a unique identification number, which is valid for the entire practice of a health professional. It should appear on prescription sheets.

It is connected to specific elements:

  • Name, first name(s), date of birth of the individual;
  • Qualification, place of practice, CPS card number, diploma information.

The RPPS provides you with:

  • Verified and up-to-date information imported by national record authorities;
  • A simple registration process through a unique portal;
  • More accessible health data;
  • Statistical escalations, useful to conduct studies; 
  • A fast tool in the event of a sanitary crisis.

Useful documentation

Key service dates

6 February 2009

The RPPS is created

October 2021

ONI Project: 700,000 nurses in the ADELI directory become referenced in the RPPS


RPPS+ : the RPPS opens up to professionals of the medico-social and social work sectors


EPARS Project: the remaining 400,000 health professionals are integrated in the RPPS


Impacts de la bascule des professionnels identifiés avec un n°ADELI dans le RPPS

Annuaire santé

Frequently Asked Questions

The ANS answers the most common questions about the RPPS

[ Date de mise à jour : ]

There are two search options in the Health Pro Directory:

  • A keyword search (Who ? What ? Where ?) that allows you to find professionals in matching establishments;
  • A detailed search (Profession, specialisation, skills, ID, place of practice) to target health professionals or health structures.

Cette réponse vous a-t-elle été utile ?

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The RPPS has restricted access content. You need to log in to the Health Pro Directory to access these data. The use of a CPS card as means of authentication is required:

  • if you carry a Director of Establishement (CDE) card or a liberal CPS card, you may automatically access the information whose access is granted to you;
  • in other cases, accessing the directory with a CPx-type card may need a prior enrolment process with the ANS. You will need to fill a RPPS access request form.

You need a card reader in order to authentify yourself with a CPx-type card.

For further information, read our pages to the CPS and e-CPS.

Cette réponse vous a-t-elle été utile ?

[ Date de mise à jour : ]

The national ID is on the first line of your CPS card:

  • Add a “8” before your RPPS ID, for example: 81234567890 ;
  • Add a “0” before your ADELI ID, for example: 01234567890.

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The information saved is only to be used by the ANS and is only accessible to its services, its staff, and third-party providers authorised to consult it.

According to the regulation applicable in terms of personal data protection, you have the right to access, modify and erase your data. To do so, you may contact our Data Protection administrator, following the conditions set out in the page Personal Data Protection Policy on the ANS website.

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