Operational Directory of Resources (ROR)

A directory for professional health services

What is the Operational Directory of Resources?

The Operational Directory of Resources (ROR) is a data repository.

It centralises the care offer in health facilities, in care services for the elderly losing their autonomy or disabled patients, as well as in urban structures on the national territory. It also centralises the bed availability in health facilities.

The ROR is a frame of reference in the French eHealth doctrine. It is useful to:

  • Facilitate the implementation of digital services contributing to the user’s orientation, providing access to the national care offer in a normalised manner;
  • Improve the quality of the offer description, by focusing efforts on the relevant subjects in one particular location;
  • Provide visibility on the number of beds available in critical care units (resuscitation departments, etc.).

The ROR and the digital services that feed from its data help health professionals save time when they’re looking for the most appropriate service offer for their patients. It contributes to an effective care pathway adapted to the user.

Discover and use the ROR

There are currently two software solutions for managing the operational directory of resources: the ROR IESS solution and the ROR-IR solution.

Each of the 17 regions in France deploys and manages the software solution of its choice. They provide their care offer via a webservice, which is normalised to look identical in every region.

In mid-2022, the public data contained in the regional ROR will be accessible as open data.

In early 2023, a first version of the national ROR will centralise the national healthcare offer through a single point of access.

Information about the health services offer description in the ROR directory

The health offer is defined as an ensemble of care services provided by a health structure (a health facility, a medico-social facility, an urban structure).

In order for digital services to have visibility on the extent of healthcare offered on the territory, regional ROR directories present the offer via normalised web services, which are based on the model of exposure, a standard exchange model.

This model of exposure:

  • Describes the data organisation of the care offer;
  • Sorts the data by importance, in order and by type;
  • Uses national nomenclatures to harmonise the description of the health offer.

To familiarise yourself the ROR model of exposure, you may read the following documents

Accessing the data of the ROR’s healthcare offer

A digital service can feed from the ROR’s data via normalised webservices that allow it to:

  • Download an extraction file from the regional ROR;
  • Update health data that have been modified;
  • Update the internal organisation of a health structure based on its identifier.

The specification folder “Terms of access to ROR data v2.4” (Modalité d’accès aux données du ROR v.2.4) and its annexes provide all the information necessary for the development of such webservices.

In 2023, these webservices, feeding from the current regional ROR data, will eventually be able to feed from the data contained in the upcoming national ROR.

These developments can be tested on the PLATINES platform (Platform for eHealth interoperability testing), which has 94 different working scenarios available. To access PLATINES, please contact the ROR program team.

The ROR in numbers

89 % of medical structures are referenced in the ROR

64 % of socio-medical services and structures are referenced in the ROR

31 Applications / professional modules are connected to the ROR

How to use the ROR data ?

In order to choose between path A and path B:

  • Identify your professional app requirements;
  • Identify the type of data your app needs;
  • Identify the user profiles for your app.

Path A

My app needs public ROR data -- > Access the Opendata platform, launched in June 2022

The Opendata platform centralises and grants access to the public data descriptions in the 17 regional RORs. It covers the health offer in the sanitary, medico-social and city practices.

The data accessible on this platform is:

  • extracted from the regional RORs without external treatment (1 file per region);
  • layed out in standard exchange ROR format (ROR model of exposure – xml);
  • updated monthly.

Path B

My app needs restricted ROR data -- > Join the regional or national trusted space

If you only need access to one regional ROR directory, you must fill in a request form to join the regional circle of trust. Send your application to the region’s GRADeS.

If you wish to access several regional ROR directories or the national ROR (starting in 2023), you must fill in a request form to join the national circle of trust. Send your application to the ROR program team.

Key service dates

T1 2022

Integration of the liberal health offer from national reference files

T2 2022

The Opendata platform is launched


The roadwork begins for the construction of a national ROR directory


The national ROR is launched (core version 1)


Introduction au répertoire opérationnel des ressources (ROR)

Répertoire Opérationnel des Ressources (ROR)

Frequently Asked Questions

The ANS answers the most common questions about the ROR

[ Date de mise à jour : ]

Your level of access to the ROR data depends on the nature of the data you wish to use (public/restricted) and the perimeter you wish to cover (one ROR or several ROR directories).

The ROR data in public access:

  • is available as opendata since mid-2022;
  • will be available directly on the national ROR with no specific procedure in early 2023.

The ROR data in restricted access (professional access):

  • for one regional ROR, you must complete a request form to join the regional circle of trust and send it to the region’s GRADeS;
  • for several ROR directories, you must complete a request form to join the national circle of trust and send it to the ROR program team.

Cette réponse vous a-t-elle été utile ?

[ Date de mise à jour : ]

PLATINES is a platform dedicated to interoperability tests for eHealth. It stimulates a ROR (version 2.4) and gives you the opportunity to use “test” data via several professional cases (a total of 94 test scenarios are available). These test scenarios are valid for the current ROR as well as the national ROR.

You must contact the ROR program team to request access to PLATINES.

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