A mobile app to identify health professionals and access digital services
The health professional card, or CPS card, is a digital ID for healthcare workers. It attests of its holder’s qualifications and identity. The card is issued by the ANS, which is the certifying authority designated for the health sector.
The technical framework is proposed for development purposes, with the aim to boost new digital solutions that implement the security functionalities of the CPS card.
Regardless of the exploitation system used (Windows, MacOS, Linux), the technical framework provides you with guidelines to:
1556950 CPx-type cards are currently active
830023 active CPS cards
48577 CPF (Training Personnel Card) are currently active
Note: Dans la partie 3.1 "Usage des CPS de test", décrivez les usages prévus pour votre projet et les cartes de test commandées.
Le Minidriver est la nouvelle génération des pilotes de périphérique pour les systèmes Microsoft, notamment pour les cartes à puce.
Il offre l'utilisation des 2 volets de la carte CPS3 : le volet contact et le volet sans-contact (conformes au standard IAS-ECC).
Important : l'installation de la Cryptolib CPS est prioritaire sur celle du Minidriver CPS afin de garantir une compatibilité avec l'existant.
L'application CPS Gestion permet d'utiliser la carte CPS en complément du Minidriver
Token driver s'installe en même temps que l'application CPS Gestion.
Il n’existe pas encore de driver, vous pouvez déployer la Cryptolib.
La Cryptolib CPS est un composant logiciel qui permet de relier la carte CPS et des applications informatiques dédiées à gestion de cabinet ou d’officine.
Cryptolib est essentielle pour exploiter toutes les possibilités de la carte CPS, comme l’authentification sur les services de l’Assurance Maladie, la signature électronique et la fonction sans contact. On installe aussi des cryptolibs sur des navigateurs web pour permettre l’accès au portail DMP.
Cryptolib doit être installée sur votre poste de travail pour utiliser la carte CPS.
Accès réservé aux titulaires d'un Compte personnel
The ANS answers the most common questions about the CPS card and framework
It is compulsory to have an individual CPx-type card to log in to the INSi teleservice. Three types of cards are supported: CPS, CPE, CPF.
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CPx cards issued before December 2020 have a contactless chip that prevents from overwriting its code.
The new CPS R3V3 cards that are now in circulation have a Mifare Desfire chip. These cards can stock crypto-secret keys that work with the Mifare Desfire protocol.
All the information about this feature is available in the Manual to deploy contactless CPx cards (available to download below). One must be cautious about the data inserted in the chip’s writing code.
We strongly advise against using this section of the chip to stock access rights. The ANS recommends you to use the ANSSI guidelines on using a "transparent" reader in connected mode. This does not involve a cryptographic protocol during a badge authentication – only the UTL (logic treatment unit) takes part in the cryptographic protocol.
ANSSI advises against setting up a “smart” badge allowing a double authentication breaking from the UTL.
All the recommendations on securing systems for physical access and video projection are available in the document below, "Recommendations on securing systems for physical and video projection access".
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This midware allows the interfacing between computer applications, such as the Vivoptim doctors portal and the CPS card.
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